Friday 12 October 2018

Not So Lavish a Larder

The food cupboard looks quite healthy, filled to bursting as it is with my stash of shopping.  Although when you realise it has to be the backbone of my food for a full 28 days this seems suddenly not quite so lavish a larder. 

The fridge shelf looks a little bit sad at the moment, but then nothing has been made that needs putting here yet.

The fridge drawer looks a lot better and beautifully colourful.  

Once the lemon has really chilled it will be sliced up and open frozen ready to be used for my early morning drink.  I always start the day with a lemon slice in hot water and for the sake of 30p for a fresh unwaxed lemon I thought I would continue with this, although I think it will be half a lemon slice each day this month to make my one lemon last at least two weeks instead of it's customary one week.

The freezer has the sliced peppers and my loaf of bread.  The slices separated nicely from each other as it froze so that I can remove as few or as many slices as I need each day.

Out on the worktop, as they didn't fit into the cupboard are my coffee and my bottle of vegetable oil.

And photo bombing the fridge photograph is a certain little Pug.  

It's a strange thing but Pugs have a real fascination with fridge drawers, none of my other dogs have ever been like this, but whenever we open the fridge Suky is right there having a good nosy down at Pug level.

So I have spent a total of £17.68 of my £28 for 28 days money.

Which leaves me with a grand total of £10.32 for any top up shopping needed.  I think this will be being used for a few fresh things each week, starting from week two of the Challenge.  So if I divide it equally I have £3.44 each week for fresh foods, which if I am aiming to get as close as possible to my 'five a day' will have to be fruits and vegetables.

Although of course I have yet to pick this weeks three items from the polytunnel, which will also help me with my fruit and vegetable intake.  I better go and have a look at what is available so I can get down to the nitty gritty of planning my menu for this week.



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