Monday 15 February 2021

The 'How Many Books in 2021' Challenge


Last year I set myself the Challenge of reading 100 books in the year.  This year there is no numerical target to aim for, no pressure to read to bump up numbers, just a record of what I do read for my own memory and amusement ... and as you can see my main bookcase is empty. 

 I am currently in the process of selling and buying houses and living in a rented flat so my books are in a state of flux.  They are on shelves here at the flat and in boxes in our storage container, boxes under the bed and piles on my bedside table.  As I read I will keep or discard but once I have moved my lovely paper friends will be all around me again, once again in this bookcase, in my lovely 'new to me' curved one, in the kitchen and ... well everywhere really.  

I love books and I am not afraid to admit it.

January Reading




February Reading




March Reading



April Reading



May Reading




  1. You can literally disappear into a book. I love it when I'm so absorbed time just passed. I also love the way a book can convey different messages to different people. Magic.

    1. Yes exactly, the book that did this to me out of all these was The Gran Tour, I read it over the course of a couple of days, it was brilliant. Having been on a coach holiday myself with lots of pensioners ... it was the year my Dad died and Mum didn't want to go alone so I went on his ticket to Bognor Regis ... it brought back lots of funny and very happy memories.

  2. Hi Sue, nice to see your book list. I've added the Julia Watkins one to my list now too.

    1. I'm about a third of the way in, it's very interesting :-)

  3. Hello Sue, lovely to see a post from you, and interesting to read your comments re your son on my me something to think about, thanks! Not sure the system works the same here though, I'll have to find out. Seems like things are progressing for you in the moving stakes, I hope it all carries on smoothly. I hate moving, it's so stressful.

    1. I thought I better start listing my books before I forget what I have already read. None of them have been discarded yet ... they are all keepers :-)

  4. Fabulous bookcase♥ Well done on the books you've read so far Sue. I bought Betty's Wartime Diary couple of weeks ago after seeing you mention this it on a post a while back (pretty sure it was on one of your posts). I haven't started it yet:( I hope the house sale and move goes smoothly for you when the time goes:) xoxo Linda

    1. Yes, I have always loved it.

      It used to be one of the display areas in my lavender shop, with replacement stock being kept in the cupboard below the shelves. Very handy ... and very beautiful, and I got a 20% reduction on it in return for displaying the makers name and shop card in a discreet corner at the top, I sent a lot of business their way :-)

  5. Books have a habit of redistributing themselves regularly with our help or without! I don't know how they do it! :-)

    1. Alan has packed away all the books in Wales, so I think a little pile will have to travel with me whenever I have to go back for work purposes :-)

  6. Thank you for posting the books you read Sue. I have found many delightful reads and added numerous cookbooks to my collection thanks to you. I am lu my where I live in that we have many mini libraries dotted along the paths where we can leave a book and take a book. It’s such a lovely idea.

    1. I love the mini library idea, it's such a good thing to do. I am about to find a box to put on the pathway near my flat with a selection of my unwanted books for people to take free of charge. There are a couple of people doing this in my new hometown, I thought why not join in.

  7. I have bookcase envy now! As you know, I had to let most of my books go when we moved and I no longer have room for a bookcase. I have a few new acquisitions on a shelf in my bedroom and the few books I brought with me are in a cupboard. I LOVE books, proper hold-it-in-your hand books, not ebooks on my kindle. I've virtually run out of reading matter and I'm down to 2 kindle books only. I just logged on to the library website because they are now doing click & collect from the village library and I fancy reading The Salt Path (was it you who posted about it Sue?) as well as the new Kate Humble one. I have to wait but I've reserved them anyway.
    Great books you have on your list :)

  8. I'm reading Betty's Wartime Diary as well on your recommendation. I also read Victory Cookbook on your recommendation. Glad to see you posting!

    1. I hope you enjoyed the Victory Cookbook and are enjoying Betty's Wartime Diary, I found them both brilliant and they are definite keepers for me.


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