Thursday 21 February 2019

New Challenge - Shopping Hauls - The Rules

So here we are again, a brand new Challenge.

This time I am having a week doing Shopping Hauls ... only unlike other bloggers and vloggers that do the whole 'shopping haul' thing I am limiting myself to £10 to spend in each shop that I visit during the course of the seven day Challenge.

So each day my money pot will get smaller,

and smaller,

and smaller,

and smaller,

and smaller.

Until by the last day I will have ten pounds left in my purse and have to decide how to finish the Challenge with a flourish.

The Rules

I can buy anything that I want.

If possible I should explain why I have bought what I have bought.

Each day I should shop in just one shop.

No shop may be repeated more than twice.

I may not go over my £10 limit.

I must try to follow the famous William Morris quote:  

 Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

I also want to point out straight away that none of these are sponsored blog posts ... I don't do that ... and the cash I am spending is my own.

So now the world ... or rather the shops ... are my oyster.  
A week of spending here I come ... and not a yellow sticker in sight.


  1. That's a different one! You should have a lot of fun with it.

    1. Totally different for me ... I felt like a change :-)

  2. Interesting idea. What if you see a YS that's too good to miss?!

    1. As long as it's under £10 and it's from that day's shop .... it will be bought :-)

  3. I think that after 2 or 3 days I would struggle, I hate shopping without a list or at least a broad outline. On the other hand it does sound like fun and all the shops have their garden sections fully stocked, and there is always the kitchen gadgets.

    1. Haha .... I think I've got more than enough kitchen gadgets, and gardening things. But I have no idea of what I will be buying I'm staying open-minded.

  4. Hey Big Spender! This sounds like fun and makes a change from yellow stickers AND it has given me a brilliant idea for a challenge of my own and I'm the person who doesn't do challenges - you are a Very bad influence!! :-)

    1. Sounds like a brilliant idea ... I quite like the thought that I am a bad influence ;-)

      We should issue each other a '£10 at a car boot sale spending challenge' and see what we can come up with. No car boots on around here at the moment though :-(

  5. This will be a fun challenge for you!! I am on pins and needles to see what you come away with on your shops.

    God bless.

    1. You don't have long to wait ... the first days shopping is complete and the post is ready to publish in the morning :-)

  6. Have fun - it's an opportunity to visit some new shops and see what they have to offer.

  7. I don't envy you! I could not be bothered to go to the shops every day for a week! Can you use Amazon or an online shop? I love the second hand book section in Amazon and Music Magpie and could easily spend £10 there every day, but don't ask me to go out except for food! Have fun. x

    1. It's just a real change from the usual, and of course it means that the dogs will get lots of different walks,as I wouldn't dream of driving so far just for a visit to one shop :-)

      Today while I was shopping they had a thorough overhaul at the groomers. So now I have two sweet smelling doggies with clean ears, teeth, clipped nails and they had a bath, a thorough groom, a de-shedding treatment and a free blueberry facial ... I don't even get a bloody blueberry facial for me. HAHA :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you. Day one complete ... I've just finished typing it up :-)

  9. This sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing what you purchase.

  10. This sounds like a really fun challenge. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of things you buy. It will be good for you to have a complete change I think.


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