Saturday 11 April 2020

Crazy Days Challenge - Day Seventeen - Lockdown Lunches

I was asked about different meals the other day, and what have we been having for our lunches while we've both been home together.  

Well breakfast is usually toast for Alan and Weetabix for me.  I said a few posts back about the amount of Weetabix I had in stock and it just makes sense to use up at least the ones in the jar before I open the bag of Granola I also have.  I don't have much milk on them so one, one litre carton of Almond Milk lasts me for a full week, and that is usually with using a bit of it for baking with or for sauces.

For his breakfast Alan likes three slices of toast with Lurpak or Norpak butter (the Aldi version of Lurpak which is exactly the same in flavour he says but lots cheaper) and topped with homemade jam or marmalade, served with with a cup of coffee and partaken of as soon as he is awake, and directly after the dogs and Ginger have been fed.  I, on the other hand can only cope with hot lemon water first thing and prefer to eat later when I am fully awake and have finished the first chores of the day.

But our lunches vary each and every day, well I try to make them varied just to give me something different to make and us a different flavour.  Alan is still working full time and he does need an hours break from the computer and all his meetings in the middle of the day.  So it's been my job to think up the menu for our Lockdown Lunches and deliver them up at around 12ish.

Yesterdays was toasted sandwiches with Wholemeal Pittas, I keep calling them flatbreads but the pack says pittas ... I know because I just checked!!  We don't have a sandwich maker here in Wales but we do have the Aga and the toast making 'tennis racket'.  It works a treat, I just have to remember to put a non-stick sheet on the hotplate to catch any melted cheese that decides to escape.  I usually mix it up a bit with two types of cheese and a few slices of fresh stuff.

Some days I simply lose the will to live and Alan will have a ham bun with crisps and pickles and I'll just settle for a crisp butty.  Ten Acre are my favourite crisps, there's not many vegan cheese and onion flavoured crisps around unfortunately, but these are delicious and always lightly cooked with lots of folded over one ... my favourite. 😄

Tasty, crunchy and with mayo spread on the bread quick to do too.  Not the healthiest lunch on the market but lovely as a treat every now and then.

Another quick and easy lunch is a sausage butty or bun.   I usually have this when Alan is either having the meat version or a bacon butty as they cook in the same time.  In this instance my bread is spread with tomato ketchup.  Sausage butties are the only thing I have tomato kektchup on!!

And of course yesterday lunch was a nice change, hummus and pitta breads.

All are very tasty, very simple and easy to wash up after, so we can go back to what we were doing before we broke off for lunch without too much faffing about.  Usually me back to the polytunnel or blogging and Alan back to the slightly more important stuff.

Sue xx


  1. They all looks most delicious and very healthy too (and that's a compliment, not a 'dig').

  2. I try to cook each day and to ensure that I'm getting a variety of fruit & veg - but as you say - some days its just a bit of a lost cause.
    I had brunch today - toasted English muffin with grated cheese (melted under the grill) and topped with some cranberry sauce - plus a very large mug of strong tea!
    Today's dinner will be a "Use up all the leftovers" meal but I do have a pot of turkey soup on and I'm planning on making some cupcakes this afternoon so there will be some treats around.
    Happy Easter everyone.


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