Wednesday 8 April 2020

Crazy Days Challenge - Day Fourteen - It's Almost a Duty

I've always been good with not wasting food, making the most out of what I buy, grow or forage.  In these crazy days I have upgraded that to it's almost a duty not to waste food,  a duty I for one take very seriously.

With this in mind I am at the moment working through the contents of the fridge very methodically.  

You'll have seen from the top photo that some of the foods that are in there at the moment are out of date, but they are the ones that are the least out of date  out of all the things I tipped out of the salad and vegetable drawers yesterday.

I went through everything very carefully, from the lettuce you saw me prepare for storage on yesterdays post to the very old spring onions that I had totally forgotten all about.  All the things in the best condition, the things in the top photo, were laid out flat in the bottom of the drawer so that I don't miss them in the next few days, and so that they are easy to see at a glance if I pull out the drawer.

The not so good and oldest, in this case half a white cabbage, two spring onions and couple of slightly bendy carrots were earmarked to be used up straight away and I planned our tea around them

Just a nice simple homemade Coleslaw.  

Using around half of the cabbage, both the spring onions, which revived nicely after a soak in some cold water, the carrots grated up and an added sliced red onion.  I added a big dollop of vegan mayo and some seasoning just before serving it up.

Both portions were sprinkled with a smattering of salted mixed nuts for some added flavour and crunch.  Alan had his coleslaw with a couple of small chicken breasts and I had some Fishless Goujons from the Linda McCartney range.  

The bottom drawer of the fridge one that usually contains onions, apples and any large things like cabbages or melons was sorted through next.

I had totally forgotten that I had put some tomatoes, celery and beetroot in there too.

I had two packs each of red and white onions, one of each brought back from the Van with me, so I tipped them all out and checked each onion carefully, rubbing off loose skin and checking for firmness.  The best were put back into two bags one for each colour and the rest kept ready for use the next day.  One of my packs of celery was fine, and one was looking very sad, but both packs of vacuum packed beetroot were fine and went straight back in.

Now with the drawer washed out and refilled carefully in a single layer,  I can see exactly what I have to use over the next week or so.

The things that needed using first from the bottom drawer.

The only bits that went into the little compost bucket on the windowsill were these trimmings from the celery.  Usually even these would have been added to the 'soup bag' in the freezer, but these were too far gone for even that ... and chickens don't like celery!!

The slightly bendy celery had a nice long soak in some ice cold water and most of it perked up nicely.  
The still wilt-y bits and the leaves then went into my freezer soup bag and the rest was sliced in half, wrapped in some kitchen paper and then put into a Stayfresh bag and back into the top fridge drawer ready for use over the next couple of days.

I now have the satisfaction of knowing that all of the vegetables and fruit in my two fridge drawers is checked and ready for use and nothing will be wasted.

Sue xx


  1. I agree Sue, it's a crime to throw food away....always has been but especially so now. Every day I'm checking our precious fresh veg stocks to make sure it all gets used up before it goes off.

  2. I totally agree that we must not waste a single thing right now, Sue, and I do so envy your salady stuff! I'm trying to eke out our few bits and just hoping that we get something growing in the allotment soon (unless they stop us going even though it's only a 5 minute drive away) Hard times, eh, hard times. Stay safe x

  3. If only everybody treated their food with respect like you do, I do and should imagine all your readers do, it really upsets me to see food waste. About four weeks ago I managed to secure a Waitrose delivery which is arriving tomorrow, in preparation everything left in my salad and veg drawer is being used up ! Last night it was everything goes curry and today its everything goes soup , often the " chuck it in " recipes turn out the nicest, there was enough curry left for another meal too.

  4. I stocked up again at the start of the week and have no intentions of going out now for at least 3 weeks and will monitor the contents of the fridge very closely.

  5. I sometimes chop, mix and freeze items so they dont get wasted. I have a pizza topping back which has celery onions and mushrooms. Stew bag, celery carrots, onions and swede etc.

  6. During this time of scarcity I agree that wasting food is not something I want to be known for. I have been pulling items out of the fridge and freezer and using up every little bit.

    God bless.

  7. I'm doing the same - keeping a really close eye on all the fruit & veg. I have enough salad "fixings" for another couple of dinner salads - after they are finished I still have potatoes, onions, carrots, peppers and sweet potatoes to get through. I'd like more but won't be going out for a couple of weeks. The weather is to turn colder overnight so I can cook all those frozen veg and add in some tinned ones as well as I go back to more cold weather meals for the next couple of weeks.


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