I've been cleaning out the fridge ... since Monday!!
It needed a good clean, I've obviously wiped it out lots and lots of times in the six years we've had it. Washed individual shelves in soapy water as and when they've needed it etc, but never the whole fridge ... over the course of three yes THREE days.
I did the door in one fell swoop, well taking a break for lunch while the three removable door shelves dried on top of the Aga ... luckily not melting 😄
I put everything back in the shelves and closed the door.
Monday saw me doing the top shelf.
Moving everything down to shelves things fitted on, checking dates and sniffing jars as I did. Even asking Alan to taste the two bottles of cider that were at the back ... he had thrown away the one that had been in the fridge door on Sunday night after valiantly trying to drink it.
Not all homebrew is good homebrew!!
A quick taste and 'nope, throw them away too' was the response. Two years they have been cluttering up my fridge!!
So many !!!!!!s
The inside area was wiped out and the shelf left to completely dry on top of the Aga after a good wash, dry and polish with a clean tea towel.
Then it was put back inside and everything that was good was replaced.
I did the next two shelves in one manic fell swoop on Tuesday.
And then good intentions were gone, and a phone call was the perfect excuse to down tools and give up for the day.
I took a day off on Wednesday, the workload was so great 😉
Will I get the remaining two shelves and two drawers done today? Who knows, there is lots of time ... and of course the longer I leave it the more we will have eaten and the less there will be on the shelves and in the drawers to have to move around.
This has been Sue's Lesson in Procrastination During Lockdown.
Sue xx