Saturday 12 January 2019

Eat the Stores - There Has Been Shopping

There has been some shopping up to now this month.  

Even though this Challenge is all about us Eating the Stores I am not restricting us from getting things that we need, or if something is on offer picking that up while I'm out and about.  Yesterday for instance I bought the things above.

Alan needed the milk, we both needed the sliced loaf as the bread bin was empty and apart from three packs of buns there was no more in the freezer.  The 20p bread stick was too good a bargain to leave on the shelf when I knew we were having a bowl of homemade soup for lunch today, and the Almond Milk was on offer at 2 for £2.  As it's usually priced at £1.80 each this was too good an offer to ignore, even if I have only just opened the one in the fridge and a carton lasts me a week if I use any at all.

I also picked up a copy of the free Tesco magazine.  Something to read over breakfast that might or might not be interesting but was free :-)

Previously I bought this bottle of milk last week, which is almost used up now.  It's proving good letting things run right down as you start to realise how much of something is actually used and in what time period.  I now know for instance that a four pint bottle of milk lasts Alan eight days.

I must say I like this 'not shopping' as much as I used to like shopping.



  1. Replies
    1. I make a list (for whatever it is we need, not just food) and then head straight to the right department, select what I want, pay and then make a dash for the exit. No more eyes scouring the vista on the way out for bargains or temptation.

  2. Whenever I buy milk, I now always decant and freeze about 1/3 of it. It takes me just over a week to get through a large bottle and I found that I was often having to chuck the last of it away as it had gone off. This way, I get to use it all up.

    1. We have never had to throw milk away. The skimmed milk that Alan favours always has a really long date on and seems to last past that date as well. I have frozen milk occasionally but Alan doesn't like it once it thaws so now I just look for the longest date possible. Asda and Tesco are best for good long dates, M&S are rubbish.

  3. I quite enjoy shopping but I also like your kind of not-shopping. It's nice to walk poast the shelves thinking 'no, not needed this week, still got plenty'.
    Gillian, that's a great idea about the milk - why didn't I think of that!!! Thanks.

    1. It is good to glide past the shelves, or even aisles, thinking 'no thanks' isn't it :-)

  4. These past couple of weeks have been a real eye opener regarding how much food I really need to buy vs. what I've already got on hand. The only thing I've bought is a litre of milk. I will go to the shops tomorrow but only intend to buy the very few items on my list.

    1. I've been pleasantly surprised at how little we actually need. As you say it's been a real eye opener.

  5. I go shopping the max twice a week, I call at the Co-op on Sunday's as they close early on the way to my daughters and look to see what they have reduced. I then go approx one evening midweek about 7pm to buy milk and look for any reductions, this helps to keep my spending to a minimum and I usually get what we need. Milk I find 6 pints is the cheapest way of buying it, you can either freeze some if you can't use that amount before it would go off, I freeze in 1 pints and you have to allow space for expansion xx

    1. I used to freeze milk, but Alan could always taste the difference when it thawed, so I've stopped doing that now. As he always uses skimmed milk it does seem to last really well, sometimes as much as a week past it's date.


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