Saturday, 26 January 2019

Eat the Stores - The Freezer Challenge - 5

I'm actually really enjoying this Challenge within a Challenge.  Eating mainly from the freezer is having an immediate visual impact and I can see space appearing virtually each and every time I go in there.

Last nights tea turned out to be two of these sausage rolls for me and the lamb steaks for Alan.  His served with some mixed veg, also from the freezer and mine served with a packet of noodles, simply because I was in a noodle-y mood  :-)

I cooked all the sausage rolls as I did not want the pack to make it back into the freezer as it might once have done, but the other two rolls are in the fridge to be eaten ... one each ... along with a bowl of soup for lunch today.

There is no return for anything back into the freezer, once it's out it's out, and I think that's partly why the contents are going down so quickly.

It will be interesting to see what is left at the end of this month, which is on Thursday ... HOW did that happen!!

It's not just the freezer contents that are going down, with this not shopping and only eating what we have I am finding all sorts of things that I had forgotten about.  This very large cookie for instance that came in one of my last Vegan Kind subscription boxes ... and I'm busy munching away on it while I'm typing out this post.

My other current obsession is shrink wrapping. 

 I bought a couple of boxes of 'vacuum storage bags' from Asda the other week for all the excess bedding we have around at the moment while the static caravan is closed down out of season, and I was sick of piles of bedding everywhere in the spare bedroom, of course with the risk that Ginger might find them and make new 'beds' for himself.  So I set too and started packing them away.  There is something very satisfying about seeing the contents shrink to almost nothing as all the air is sucked out of the sealed bags.

So at the moment it seems everything is shrinking here, the contents of the freezer and cupboards, the piles of bedding in the spare room ... well perhaps not everything come to think of it ... if I continue to sit at the computer eating giant cookies I will most definitely not be shrinking.  Time to take two little pooches for a walk methinks and burn off some energy all round.



  1. Yes Sue, I'm enjoying your challenge within a challenge glad that nothing is going back in. We've also had meat free rolls ours were cheese n onion we had them as a main meal with baked beans and hm wedges. I love lamb with mint sauce lucky Alan xx

    1. I used to love the cheese and onion rolls. Alan would have the meat version and I could have these and our meals would look identical. To be honest these meat free 'Frys' rolls were not brilliant, so I don't think I'll be buying them again. I think I'll have a go at making something 'cheese and oniony' myself.

    2. Sue if you have some left over potato mash add grated cheese and grated onion, I've used this mix for pies pies and rolls xx

  2. I wish I had even half of your resolve in these challenges. Reading along does plant little bits of inspiration in my brain though. I see myself improving a bit in my habits though from reading your and others challenges, so I'll be happy with that!

    1. I think it's just getting into the mindset, once you get going it's fine. And of course holding myself accountable by blogging about it helps keep me on the straight and narrow :-)

  3. It's going so well and it sounds as if you are really enjoying the food that is coming out of that freezer. Looking forward to the next episode.

    1. I'm amazed at what we've got in there. I find that coming home from the shops I just put new foods to the front and there are things at the back that haven't seen the light of day for a long, long time. It's all becoming a bit of a revelation :-)

  4. When you shrink wrap things don't they come out very creased.
    I dislike ironing and would hate having to iron everything that emerged from “hibernation”.

    1. They're not too bad if you put them in nice and folded and stacked neatly.

      I don't iron anything except shirts, so even if they do come out creased they will just stay that way until they have been used and then washed :-)

  5. I have a confession to make, "epic fail", I went shopping to get some fresh fruit & veg and hit reduction time spot on. Ended up buying whole fresh salmon, chicken, more cheese etc, in my defence the reductions were so good I couldn't turn them down, it will save money in the long run and that's my excuse which I am sticking Helen.S.

    1. Sometimes bargains are just TOO good to ignore. We've all been there!!


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