Friday 18 January 2019

Eat the Stores - Epic Fail

So I went to the shops.

You can see from my list that I didn't go out to buy any food ... it didn't have a single foody item on it.  It should have been just a couple of very necessary items and a couple of errands.

And yet somehow, thanks to there being 'unmissable bargains' everywhere I came home with all this bloody food.


It was all Poundland's fault, it got me started on my little spendathon.

Right at the door they had the Dolmio Stir In Sauces for 50p each.  Now I used to love these, but the usual price of £1.65 for a single little pot in any of the supermarkets put me off them ages ago.  So I might have bought 8  ... yes eight!!  If they are still as tasty as they used to be I might even go back for more, there is a really good date on them all.

Then on my way out I spotted the Tray Bake Sauces ... also 50p each, they are usually £1.50 each but currently on offer in Tesco at £1, so I bought four of those to try.

The other things were not foody at all,  but only the bathroom scrunchie things at 3 for £1 were a purchase I really needed.  I just couldn't resist the little wooden framed mirrors at 25p ... yes 25p each ... I mean wow, could you have resisted?  I don't know where they are going to go, but at that price they can wait until I find a place :-)

And the little doggy fleece for one pound will be great to have in the boot of the car for dog based emergencies.

Same photo as the top to save you scrolling back  :-)

Then as they didn't have any tealights in Poundland I called round to B&M, where I had been reliably informed they had good tealights (ones that actually burn for around the four hours they promise and not fizzle out after half an hour and then refuse to relight) at a good price.  They did, and they had some of the nice big bathroom wipes that are handy to have for doggy mishaps.  By this time I was well and truly in shopping mode and as such was easily tempted into buying the rice multi-pack, the Pot Noodles and the family pack of cereal bars.

I could give you reasons and excuses for all of the above ... but I won't bore you.

So this Eating the Stores Challenge has failed as it was supposed to be all about only shopping for absolute necessities ... OOPS

But I'm decidedly not down or despondent ... upwards and onward and all that  :-)



  1. I don't go into town very much but if I do I pop into Poundland, but it is lethal even though I don't need anything I can't resist. You had some great buys especially the Dolmio sauce.x

    1. I gave Poundland a miss for years ... but now I seem to have rediscovered it thanks to my vlogging buddy and other vloggers. Lethal, but SO much fun 😄

  2. All very useful stuff though!

    1. Oh I totally agree. I neatly avoided all the tat and got some good stuff. Did you know they are selling £1 engagement rings amongst all the Valentines Day goodies 🤣🤣 My grandson is threatening to get his girlfriend one ... she is not impressed!!

  3. My grandma always used to laugh when family members berated her for her huge store cupboard. "I'll be the last one standing in a famine!" Was her retort. I'm very like her.......

    1. And there's no harm in continuing family traditions is there 🙂

  4. Yay! just found your new blog and it looks fun, I do like a bit of thrifting and sensible budgeting so I'm following. I hope to move to the west country in the next year - 18 months - maybe should pinch your old blog title lol! Betty x

    1. Welcome.

      My old blog title will never be available sorry ... it's been mine for ten years. A lot of folk have gotten very close to it by changing words ever so slightly etc.

  5. I expect you will use it so not a waste.( you could say you were stocking up for Brexit!!, there was a man on local news with a room full of food!)
    When I drove East Bound to Felixstowe on Wednesday there was an accident on the west bound carriage way which had a 8 mile queue tailback comprised of giant Trucks all full of containers off the ferries and all I could think of was all the STUFF they were full of, and wondering what STUFF I had bought recently that would have arrived in a lorry just like those.........really made me think.

    1. It's bloody scary the tat that pours into our country isn't it. Oh for simpler times ♥️

  6. You have "spent to save"! That's what I told DB I was doing when I saw a 20% discount code for Holland and Barratt on Money Saving Expert! Not exactly "essential purchases" which was our plan for January but managed to get a few gifts for birthdays through the year and a whole load of sugar free sweets which were buy one get one for a penny, so with the discount were cheaper than Aldi. I don't intend to lead you astray - but take a look!

    1. Exactly 😊

      Actually we need some sugar free sweets, we keep a couple of flavours in each of the cars for long journey nibbles and they all seem to have run out at once, so thanks for the heads up.

    2. And don't forget Topcashback!

  7. It's not a fail if it's things that you will use and you've saved money, nothing wrong in spending to save. xx

    1. Well the Challnge was to eat through our current food supplies buying only absolute fresh food necessities. None of the food I bought fits into that category so to my mind it is a fail. Oh well onward and upward etc etc 🙃🙃

  8. Now we all know you are human, I would have spent more.😂😂

  9. I have to admit that I'm also having problems with all the bargain offers on this month! I've managed to keep it to food except for $5 worth of non-food stuff and I'm on track to come in at about half my usual amount. I'm hoping that I'll do even better in February (maybe there won't be as much temptation).

    1. There's temptation everywhere you look at the moment isn't there. I've not even mentioned the two T shirts I picked up in Asda ..... 😁

  10. Trying my best not to buy anything we don't need. However I failed as well. I picked up 6 pairs of socks for $4.00.....Can't knit them for that price. I will pull up my big girl panties and try harder the next time I head to the store.

    God bless.

    1. I think it's big girl panties AND blinkers that are needed 🤣😆😁


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