Sunday 13 January 2019

Eat the Stores - All Growed Up?

I'm currently working on cleaning out the fridge, in every sense of the word.  

It's being done a bit at a time as the alarm on the door annoyingly, but quite rightly goes off if I leave the fridge open too long and the temperature rises, but also because we are still eating our way through the excess of Christmas foods.  The things with short dates were prepped and packaged for the freezer as you saw in previous posts but things with long dates have been added to meals over the past week or so as there is now no room in the freezer.

But I'm starting to see shelf surfaces now and boy is it a relief!!

As I worked my way through emptying and cleaning the lower shelf and the door pockets/shelves yesterday I came across all this chocolate.  Now this is an obvious sign that we are officially ALL GROWED UP  😊  

Even a couple of years ago chocolate would never have lasted halfway into January.

A box of rather tasty Lindt chocolate balls ... they must have a proper name but having chucked the box away I cannot for the life of me think of it ... were split into two portions and Alan had one of the bags at the cinema last night while we watched Stan and Ollie.  The other one will most likely be saved until the next time we go.

Everything else has gone back into the fridge in the little door compartment with the lid and will be eaten as and when the fancy comes over us.

Which as ... we is now all growed up ... might take a while.



  1. Lindor (I'm also Very Good as I still have box of red ones in the cupboard)

    1. Of course :-)

      I use to love the white ones ... mmmm

  2. I handed all mine on to hollow legs grandson and poorly daughter. The resulting halo, however, did not stop me gaining at the next weigh in!

    1. I gave a lot of our Christmas stash away to my sons .... this is the portion we kept. Bloody hell I bought a lot! It should keep us going until Easter anyway :-)

  3. We have a collection of goodies after Christmas at my gym and pass them on to the Foodbank. This year I asked at Slimming World for any other new anted leftovers and added them to the gym collection. There was loads!

  4. Same here. There is a chocolate glut. Some will be sent home with our sons when they visit. Some will be used as snacks for the hubbie on a flight next month. He can't smoke for nine hours, so I feed him. Some has gone into work.

    The food bank loves to get treats after the holidays.

    1. I'm loving that the Foodbanks did so well out of leftovers of Christmas chocolate. What a lovely treat for someone alongside their pasta and tomato sauces :-)

  5. I have resisted the Lindor balls this year but did fall prey to the tin of Quality Street. Lindt has opened many new shops in many of the malls - especially in the underground downtown shopping malls and it is very difficult to walk past them! They put all those lovely different colours and flavours right up front - and there are thousands of them so it is very tempting!!!

    1. I agree temptation is everywhere, and now that you can buy your favourite flavours from dispensers they are so easy to buy far too many of ;-)


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