Tuesday 15 January 2019

Eat the Stores - Some Shopping

I mentioned yesterday that I called to Tesco, mostly to use the little Timpson kiosk there in an attempt to get my belt fixed but I also wanted some bananas and yoghurts.  

Although toast, porridge and the occasional foray into granola has been good for breakfast over the past couple of weeks, my absolute favourite start to the day is a bowl of yoghurt with banana, homegrown  blueberries, a smidge of granola a good old dollop of peanut butter and any nuts and seeds that come to hand ...

... a bit like this.

Yes there is some yoghurt under all that lot  :-)

Well I got the yoghurt and bananas and a couple of other things besides while I was loitering around the stores while I thought the lad was fixing my belt.  For the first time in a long time I wandered up and down most of the aisles, checking out what was new in store and looking at current prices.  

One thing that really struck me was the amount of yellow stickered items in the fridges ... perhaps I should have started the year with a 'Yellow Sticker Challenge' it would have been a doddle.  I picked up a tray of Gammon with Pineapple and Cheese' for Alan, this has gone straight into the freezer for when he gets back.  But apart from that I was very good and I kept my mind firmly on the challenge of eating down the stores. 

I was however tempted by these little non-foody items.

Little glass holders that can be used for both tea lights or candles.  

Well at just 50p each how could I resist.  I do burn lots of both types of candles so these are a really useful addition to the mantelpiece.



  1. Very nice, those glass holders. I love candles myself and would have gone for them too. Good find.

    1. And they were 50p at their full price too, so absolute bargain. They were int he home-wares aisle in our little Tesco ... not somewhere I usually stroll down, much too much temptation ;-)

  2. I think the increase yellow stickers are a result of people not having much money in january and living on all the over excess food they bought for christmas xxx

    1. Definitely, there's not much activity on our high street at the moment, and even the supermarkets seem much quieter than usual. It's a good time for stocking up if you have the money and the freezer space.

  3. Love the small candle holders so simple and useful with them taking a tea light and a tapered candle. Yes I've had loads of ys items on the 23rd Dec, people wanting fresh for Christmas. Then again on the 27th December people not needing shopping and then again on the 1st January. If it could be frozen it was, the veg and salad has lasted so well, we've finished a bag of mixed salad leafs which was 15p tonight it did portions in all and kept so well even opened. I'm only buying Tesco 75% reductions and Co-op 90% reductions and I can get 10p Asda items. I'm trying to only have to buy milk at full price. As previously mentioned people have spent up or have good stocks in their freezers. xx

    1. You're doing really well Wendy. 🙂 I should imagine your housekeeping bill is tiny at the moment. Are you keeping tabs on what you spend?


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