Thursday 10 January 2019

Eat the Stores - Birthday Cake Makings

During my cupboard tidying, cleaning and sorting I came across the makings for a cake ... slightly out of date with a Best Before date of August 2018 ... but who's counting, never me that's for sure  ;-)

And as it was Alan's 60th yesterday it just had to be a proper grown up birthday cake.  It's supposed to serve twelve people so I think we'll both be eating cake for a few days now, as happily it is completely dairy free!

I needed a non-foody day so today I plumped for 'future food' sorting.  Sorting out my rather large stash of seeds that were stored in my lovely old battered drawer (£1 at a car boot sale a few years ago).

I went mad and poured all the out-of-date ones into a bowl for the chickens (they loved them), then I went ruthless and picked out only the packets of seeds for foods that I know we love and that I may in fact get round to planting ... it's not a foregone conclusion this year ... I ended up with 56 packets of seeds for the car boot sale and about the same again or perhaps a few more, potentially for use this year and the following one by us.

Now they are nice and neat in two much smaller boxes, the top one for the car boot sale and the bottom one is now in the 'Jam Cupboard'.

So no seeds taking up space in the kitchen ... result  :-)



  1. The cake looks scrummy, I love anything creamy, enjoy, Belated birthday wishes Alan.

    1. It is bloody lovely ... so much so I was almost tempted to have a slice for breakfast yesterday, but I managed to resist 😊

  2. Mmmmm Carrot cake....

    I sorted my seed tin last week,only a few half packets out of date this year. Plenty to grow once things warm up a bit...... I can't even think about gardening when the wind is so cold.

    1. I know ... I think carrot cake is the only cake I truly love. Yep ... much too cold to even think about gardening at the moment, and seemingly with even colder weather on the horizon 😕

  3. Your cake looks lovely! I am now trying to catch up, have sorted the cheeses and cold meats, used some to make a pizza for my gannets. I have not had a tin audit as hubby did that just before Xmas, he was calling it my armageddon cupboard, has now taken to calling it our Brexit cupboard, do you know how we get such a glut of somethings? Yesterday we also had a non food day and got another box of books to send to Ziffit, so since we started doing that we have got rid of 6 boxes and counting. We also had too many cakes including carrot cake and fruit cakes, so they have been frozen in portions.

    1. I briefly considered a 'Brexit' cupboard' ... and then decided against it.

      It sounds like you are doing a brilliant job of sorting out and decluttering :-)

  4. Sorry that was me above. Helen.S.

  5. I know that I've got a few cake mixes in the pantry that are getting close to expiry so I might pull out one today and make cupcakes (I can freeze half of them un-iced) and that will be nice to have on hand.
    It is freezing cold here today (minus 6C but feels colder with the howling winds) so a good day to tidy up and have a few things in the oven!

    1. My initial plan was to freeze some slices of the cake ... but it looks like there will be none left by weekend anyway so we'll carry on having it for dessert or supper instead ... oh the hardship ;-)

      It's ridiculously warm here, I left home before with a temperature outside of 6 degrees and got back to it having risen to 9, amazing it should be going colder at night not warmer!

  6. Happy birthday Alan! Yummy looking cake.

    1. He had a great day ... lots of cards with a very prominent '60' on them decorated our living room nicely :-)

  7. Well done!
    I still haven't followed your advice and got on with my own.
    It occurred to me that listing everything when I clear out will take far too long but I think I will
    list meal ideas as I turn the cupboards out.
    One slightly nosy question, what are you going to use your beautiful drawer for now?

    1. A good idea to list meal ideas as you turn out the cupboards. My list is in my head ... will it stay there, who knows ... haha :-)

      My gorgeous old drawer will most probably be relocating with me to my Smaller Life :-)

  8. I'm so glad it's surviving the cut!

    1. It's daft but I love old and battered wooden things :-)


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