Sunday 21 June 2020

Living on a Box - Day Ten

Breakfast - Granola with Almond Milk

As you can see I still weigh out all my portions, it would be so easy to pour out too much and leave myself hungry on the last day.  The portion on the left is mine for this morning, I was comparing how little the recommended serving size was in comparison ... it's much too small.  Considering I get hungry half way through the morning if I eat too early as it is, the recommended size would most likely leave me hungry an hour after eating!!

Lunch - Hummus, Toast and a Carrot.

This is a very satisfying lunch and very filling.  I have found myself loving the crunch of fresh carrots so much, although I was generous and split one of my carrots batons between the dogs who love them as much as me.

Dinner - Pasta Bake with Cheese, Spinach and Peas

I added the cheese into the sauce rather than forget to sprinkle it on the top like I did last time, and cooked everything together in the oven for 30 minutes.  Another very satisfying and tasty dish, eaten while watching an episode of Vera on television.

Someone else unboxing a Morrisons Vegan Food Box

Sue xx


  1. Yum - it all looks so very good. xx

  2. I must get my backside into gear this week and make some houmous. Its so nutritious and quite filling.

    1. It's worked well freezing it too, so a batch make is a good idea. 😃

  3. Have bought some dried chickpeas instead of tins this week as I didn't realise how economical they were, looking forward to making your hummus recipe with peanut butter (cant stand tahini ) and pasta sauce recipe which sounds delicious, thank you.

    1. Soooo much cheaper to buy dried chickpeas, and economical cooking them all at once too.

  4. That pasta bake looks delicious.

    God bless.

    1. It was, cooking the pasta in the sauce means it absorbs all that lovely tomatoey flavour 😃


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