Saturday 20 June 2020

Living on a Box - Day Nine

Breakfast - Peanut Butter on Toast with Apple Slices and Almonds

Waiting for my soup to heat up.

Lunch - Soup with a toasted Crust

Alan made himself a HUGE pan of soup, enough for 13 portions.  This was todays, as you can see we like different styles of soup!!

Prepping for my Shepherds Pie, of course I saved the peelings 😄

Ready to be heated up later.

Dinner - Shepherds Pie.
Nothing else needed, gosh that was filling.   I gave the third I couldn't manage to Alan.

No waffle today, instead why don't you nip on over here and watch someone else unpacking a Morrisons Vegan Food Box.  Sopherina's channel is like a breath of fresh air and usually so relaxing to watch.  Just click on the arrow 😃

And then there's this one showing some of the things that they made with theirs.


Sue xx


  1. Thanks for the link. Now I can get YouTube on my telly, I've been enjoying things like this on the 'big screen' so I've subscribed!
    Your meals continue to look great!

    1. I know I love watching YouTube on the tele, it's like all the 'little screen people' I've followed for ages have become TV stars ... haha!!

      I'm very happy with how the food has worked out :-)

  2. You are very inventive when planning your food. I like to make up different concoctions with any food I happen to have. I like the surprise of substituting ingredients. I'm not sure I could live on a box like that, not enough in it to satisfy my hunger pangs.

    1. I love the challenge of putting together a meal out of food I have to use up. It's so much more satisfying in every sense of the word than chucking money around in the supermarket and just filling my cupboards with mind-numbing ready made things, as you well know Ilona :-)

  3. Ilona has echoed my thoughts. Although I'm not a huge eater, I'm not sure whether the box would keep me satisfied. I admit I'm a snacker, 6 smaller meals a day is better for me. But you have well balanced meals that look nutritionally good.

    1. I used to eat more often up to 6 little meals a day, but when Alan was diagnosed as a diabetic and I did a bit of research and found out how insulin works and how and when it is released into your body, and that you have a finite amount of the stuff able to be produced in a lifetime, I decided that a balanced 3 meals a day is a much healthier way to eat, so I switched virtually overnight.

      I'm no angel and of course I do have snacks and treats but the majority of the time keeping my blood sugar regulated is the way I like it. And if possible not eating after 7pm ... harder to achieve regularly as I am a bit of a nibbler in the evenings ... suits me so much better.

  4. Thank you for the videos, I really enjoyed seeing what someone else does with the same box. I thought it interesting that they liked the sausages and said they would buy them again although only to have in a sandwich with plenty of ketchup. It was also interesting to see the mince used as a burger. She also agreed with you that the yogurt was just like Greek yogurt, which I also love by the way. I found her very easy to watch.

    1. She's very easy to watch and lovely and natural isn't she.

      Yes, when they were chatting about the sausages I realised that the way I preferred them was on the first day when I had a sausage bun for my lunch. But it was the cooked onion and tomato ketchup that made it edible, so I don't regret for a minute throwing them away.

      The yogurt is gorgeous, I have already bought a new tub of it for next week :-)

  5. Hi-I see you have a link in your sidebar to my old website which I have now ditched. I have moved on to a bigger and better one to compliment my Facebook group. Any chance you could update this please? I changed the website to another one also called This has now moved to my new website with a much friendlier name to type The new website is much better and friendlier and compliments the feed yourself for a £1 a day Facebook group. I am currently reading some of your challenges-they are looking great! I have only done live below the line and a ration challenge. I love Vegan ideas as I love Vegan food so I will definitely try some of your isead especially for breakfasts.I do have a Vegan section I am going to work on


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