Friday 11 September 2020

A Ration Challenge Recipe

A little film of a refugee called Maya cooking the Lentil Soup recipe that is in the Ration Challenge Pack recipe book.

I am now just 33p short of being able to supply nine refugees with enough ration packs to last them a year.  Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored me up to now, as well as feeding so many people and helping such a good cause you have also enabled me to climb the rewards ladder and add little extras to my rations pack foods.  Things that you see Maya using in this short clip.

Sue xx


  1. Just nipped over to sponsor you, been meaning to do it for ages. I think you're gonna smash this and because you will so many families will be helped. Good for you Sue.

    1. Thank you so much Jean, that was really generous. xx

  2. Brilliant Sue, just checked your fundraising page, absolutely wonderful:) xxx


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