Saturday 11 May 2019

Down to Basics - Prepare to be Bombarded

Food is everywhere it would seem.

So to get it out there and for the record, my record ... prepare to be bombarded with photos.  I need something to compare things to at the end of this Challenge so I thought I would get it all over with in one fell swoop.

For those of you that don't like looking at food cupboards you might as well go and do something more interesting now, but for anyone that likes taking a look into other people cupboards ... as I do ... here goes.

Spice cupboard

Baking cupboard

Condiments and Jars cupboard

Main Food Cupboard

Top Part of Larder Cupboard
(the bottom part hold dog supplies ... food, medicines and towels)

The Fridge

Shelf One

Shelf Two and Three

Shelves Four and Five

Top Fridge Drawer

Bottom Fridge Drawer

The Freezer

Shelf One

Shelf Two

Shelf Three

Shelf Four

Drawer One

Drawer Two

Is there anyone still awake or have you glazed over completely  😀

I'm here for at least a full week, so we shall see what in-roads I can make into some of these areas.  Looking at my last Eat the Stores Challenge it made the most impact eating from one designated area, as for the final week of that Challenge we switched to eating down the contents of the freezer and it made a huge difference.  But it turned out that this meant no foods were eaten from the cupboards towards the end of the challenge and they then remained pretty static.

In fact looking at these photos it would seem that the freezer is the one space that still looks much better than it did before the last Challenge.  There's no need to be ready to catch things when you open the door now and pretty much everything is easily accessible ... so some progress then!!

 I'm pretty much here for a week and then at the Van for a week and then back here, so photos will alternate between the food areas as I switch locations.  But very little shopping will be done for the duration of the Challenge at either location.



  1. Loved seeing your food stores. It seems strange that they are so full again after your de-clutter earlier in the year, but I am exactly the same. Even though we have very little storage space in the motorhome (even in the static we use when we are working) I am constantly thinking I have to stock up. I know we are not surrounded with loads of supermarkets, but it is a maximum of 7 miles in each direction to have choice of shops, and they are all open 7 days a week, so plenty of time to shop even after work! For the record, I totally endorse your 'Back to Basics' plan, that is largely how we live (and eat) whether we are working or away in the motorhome. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your progress. X

  2. Goodness, what a lovely lot of food, so it's all round to yours for dinner !!! :) I am running down our fridge freezer as we have a new one coming on Thursday, bright orange and will look lovely in my kitchen, I am so excited ,I only went into the shop for a blender ! I am justifying the expense due to the fact that our old one has been dodgy for a while and that I am achieving our weekly grocery bill from about 65 down to 35. I too love nosing in cupboards and frustratingly for my husband I often tidy them and move stuff about. I am looking forward to following your challenge and thank you for your inspirational posts, Chrissie.

  3. Well, you won't be going hungry for a while!! Lol.

    I look forward to following this new Challenge of yours. We have the opposite to you at the moment....we've run down our stores quite well recently and they now need stocking up again. I'm going to try and concentrate on getting as much good value stuff as we can for the money, by taking advantage of special offers on things we use regularly and buying them in quantity.

  4. I'm ever so nosey and loved looking at your photos. Goodness, but everything is so clean and neat and tidy. However do you do it?

  5. Lovely neat cupboards .. looks like you have enough there to be going on.


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