Thursday, 9 May 2019

Down to Basics - Home Stores

I'm back at home in Wales for the next week or so, and it's a good opportunity to eat through the store cupboard, fridge and freezers here as well as well as those in the Van in a bid to get us Down to Basics at both locations.  And just saying those words 'eat through the store cupboard' made me realise that in many ways this Challenge might seem the same as my first Challenge of this year.  You can see it here - Challenge One 2019 - Eat the Stores and also permanently on the sidebar listed along with all my other Challenges.

The main difference between the two Challenges are the end outcomes that I am aiming for.  

In January when I did the first Challenge my aim was to work our way through the food stores, using up the foods and tidying up the cupboards and shelves in the fridge and freezers.  This time at the back of my mind is the realisation that I want to get us back to eating simpler foods, less processed and less packaged foods and to get rid of and stop buying anymore of the things that I want to move away from.

Hence the title Down to Basics. 

This was my one of my cupboards in January before the first Challenge started.

And this is the same cupboard at the end of that Challenge.

And this ... the same as the top photo of this post ... is the same cupboard today.

As you can clearly see I haven't gone back to the cluttered days pre Challenge One, but there are things in the cupboard that I have decided I don't want to store going forward.  The stack of pasta stir-through sauces for instance.  The cake mixes and fillings.  These are things that may be bought in the future if the situation where they are needed arises ... but are not things that I want to store and be tempted to use on a day to day basis.

So the main purpose of this Challenge is to take us down to a base list of food items that will be purchased regularly.  I'm currently using one of the notebooks that I bought last week to start a list of core items that will form the basic store cupboard that I want to meal plan from in future.

It's something that seems to be overlapping on both my blogs at the moment, the need for simplicity in all parts of my life and my journey in heading towards it ... and it's something that I am really enjoying.



  1. Getting back to basics .. not only healthier but money saving as well. Choosing simplicity seems the way many of us are going.

  2. Simplicity is so good for the mind and for the emotions, I believe.

  3. Simple food, simple pleasures are the mainstays of life.

    God bless.

  4. I always feel much healthier when I cook from scratch, rather than using packet mixes, sauces and sachets. Never quite sure what's in them, though they can be super handy if I really don't feel like cooking! Good luck with the new challenge.


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