Thursday 23 May 2019

Down to Basics - A Days Food at the Van - 1

I've been at the van all this week, not shopping for any food at all, just seeing what the cupboard, the fridge and the freezer could offer up.

First out of the freezer was my Chia Seed loaf bought on my last visit here from Booths ... it's delicious ... eaten for breakfast over a couple of days and for a late night 'hungry moment's snack last night.

For lunch on day one I used one of the few things I brought with me from home, I travelled light this time,  a two thirds full jar of Pesto.  I had it simply with pasta, some fresh Basil leaves (something else I brought ... along with my cloth bag of potatoes and some red onions) and a good sprinkle of nooch..  There's about a third left in the jar now, I think I'll save it for a nice light tea before I leave.

My tea on day one was taken from the freezer, a much larger than expected portion of vegetable curry served with brown rice.  It was extremely filling and very tasty.

I have been out and about but haven't felt the need to shop for food at all.  If you don't browse the food shops there's no temptation to buy!

Sue xx


  1. Makes sense to me - if you don't need food, why buy it?

  2. Shopping the cupboard, fridge and freezer just makes sense.

    God bless.

  3. A sprinkle of nooch? I'm curious? Lyn

    1. Nutritional Yeast (nicknamed nooch by most people that use it). It's a type of inactive yeast that's high in vitamin B12. It has a slight cheesy, savoury flavour.


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