Friday 18 October 2019

For the Price of a Coffee - Day One - The Shopping

I was so pleased with my Day One shopping, it went exactly to plan … in fact it went even better.

Everything that I had on my list was available and at the prices quoted on the mysupermarket website, and then as I was walking down the aisle to get the onions I noticed that bulbs of garlic were on sale at just 16p each, and as you can see from the list I had 16p available!!

I double checked that my banana and my carrots were indeed at the prices per weight that I had written down by using the scales available for the 'Scan As You Go' customers  … and they were!

I boo-booed slightly in that I forgot to pick up the porridge oats at first, so I have two receipts one for £2 and one for 75p.

A total spend of £2.75.

I also picked up the free magazine - because it was free and added nicely to the feeling I had of getting a really good shop for a really good price.

Once I arrived at the Van I cut open the bag of onions to let them breathe and then wrapped the carrots in a damp piece of kitchen paper and a re-used bag to keep them as fresh as possible.

After another photo the potato bag was also opened to let them breathe and they and the garlic were popped into the dark, cool cupboard.  Not that I need to keep them fresh for any great length of time, but less nutrients will be lost if they are cool and in the dark.

Now it's time to start cooking.



  1. That really was a great shop. I can see you having enough left to afford a coffee shop coffee by the end of the week. Enjoy your meals - I'm looking forward to seeing what they are and whether I have guessed correctly!

    1. If by any chance I have a decent amount of cash over at the end of the week I will treat myself to a little something for sure. But my objective is to spend up each day and eat well, although still in a very economical way. If I have any food left over at the end of the week I may merge the Challenge into the next one … when I've figured out what that is!


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