Monday 3 December 2018

The Lose 14lbs in 7 Days Diet - End of Challenge Round Up

Breakfast the first day after the Challenge was a simple black coffee and slice of toast ... with homemade lemon marmalade.  The first thing I've eaten in a week with non naturally occurring sugar.

I had nothing else as I just wasn't hungry.

The all important weigh in, and I think that the thought of this was the only thing that kept me on the straight and narrow for the last seven days.

The final stats -
 I've lost 7.5 lbs
Half an inch off my bust and hips,  and an inch off my waist. 

Over half a stone and two inches gone ... I'm really pleased with this.

Especially as it's with virtually no exercise, as I hurt my left foot one day into the Challenge and couldn't get any footwear on except my wellies.  So my only exercise during the whole Challenge was slow doggy walks. 

So what did I find hard -

Not being able to pick at what I fancied.

Grapefruit without sugar was very hard for the first couple of days. 

There seemed to be food everywhere I looked, it's the run up to Christmas and tasty treaty foods seemed to be on every advert on television, every poster outside shops and in every book or magazine that I read.

Going to the supermarket for my tomatoes was very difficult ... SO MUCH FOOD!!

What did I find easy -

Having a definite menu plan and  knowing exactly what I was to have for each meal.

Grapefruit suddenly being tasty on it's own, both the fruit itself and the juice.

Travelling with my foods, one cool bag was all I needed.

Having someone else doing this with me.  Although we were apart for the majority of the Challenge being able to swap moans and accomplishments with each other really helped.

By the way Alan lost 3lbs over the course of the week, not too shabby when you consider he had extra toast with butter on a couple of times and milk in all his drinks.

Would I do it again - NO.
Even though I lost so much in a week it didn't suit me at all.

I treated myself to some crisps while I was out shopping, I know of no shops near us in Wales that sell these big family packs of totally dairy free cheese and onion flavoured crisps, so it will be nice to take some home with me.  But where as at the start of the week the bag of these that I already had in the cupboard was calling to me ... now I have absolutely no cravings for them

Perhaps that is what this diet does, switches off cravings and makes your stomach smaller.  It's now over four hours since my single slice of toast ... and I'm not even slightly hungry!!

But, and it should be a big BUT neither of us lost the 'guaranteed' one stone during the diet.  I wonder who I go to to get my money back 😆😃🤣



  1. That's a great achievement! Well done for sticking at it and thank you for taking us through the ins and outs of this diet. I'm definitely going to try it at some point (I'm not sure the festive season is he right time, even if I don't usually overindulge). I hope it might set me back on track for eating smaller portions and making healthier choices. X

  2. Well done Sue, that's marvellous. I don't think 14lbs is healthy or achievable in a single week anyway - well, not unless you weigh over 20 stone or something to begin with. I've enjoyed reading every day, and thank you for doing this challenge, it spurred me on to do our own (slightly easier) version, which we're going to continue for 3 days at a time every 10 days or so. Yes I do think it curbs cravings and certainly makes your stomach smaller - we've found over the weekend that the carby things we ate filled us up much quicker and we didn't want to eat so much. So what's the next Challenge? :-))

  3. Really well done; even though you didn't lose a stone 7 1/2 lbs is an amazing amount in 1 week and a reward for your self discipline.
    Not being able to walk much must have made the week even harder.
    Re your comment about the volume of food in supermarkets; we really notice this when we go across to the UK because the island we live on only has one of the UK supermarkets which occupies a tiny amount of floor space compared with its UK counterparts.
    As this one is 15 miles away we don't use it very often and prefer our smaller local shops. (30 miles worth of petrol makes the higher cost of goods locally less dramatic and the time saved is a bonus too!)
    It will be interesting to see how long it takes for your normal eating habits to return, if they do and whether you lean towards savoury rather than sweet treats.

  4. Well done for completing this. I agree that a stone in a week is unlikely unless someone is hugely over weight to start with. The amount you lost is still a lot to lose in a week. I think it probably trains your stomach to need smaller portions and maybe your taste buds to want less sweet stuff.

    As we have got older we have reduced our portion sizes and we have found that we lost a bit of weight very gradually. Our main aim was to ensure that we don't put on weight as we are about the weight we should be but just don't want to gradually put any on. We soon became used to smaller portion sizes.

  5. You did it! Don't sniff at half a stone - it takes me a month to lose that. Really well done.
    Maybe you could adapt it to make it work better for you?

  6. Congratulations, you did it! I don't think losing a stone in a week is realistic either, unless you were extremely heavy to start with. I wonder if you'll like pink grapefruit after you go back to your regular foods?

  7. Well done, that is a great accomplishment! I can understand not wanting to do it again-I couldn't have done it once!! Like Sooze, I'm curious to find ou what the next challenge will be.

  8. Thanks for all these brilliant comments. You've all really helped me stay on track and get through this, it's always nice to get a bit of feedback and lots of encouragement. 🙂

  9. I admire your self control in completing this challenge, as I certainly couldn't! Do you think it has altered your eating habits so you'll be able to keep the hard won half stone off?


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