Saturday 9 May 2020

Crazy Days Challenge - Day 45 - Cooking the Books Challenge - MAEVE'S CHOICE

Maeve's Choice:

Book 10 = BISH BASH BOSH! - Henry Firth & Ian Theasby

Page 100 = Dough 3 Ways

The basic recipe for the dough doesn't call for many ingredients, and of course I didn't have the main one, Strong Bread Flour.  But I did have enough plain flour to give the recipe a fair shot.

Of the 'three ways' I decided to go down the pizza base route, to make it into a meal for our tea.

First rise going on under a tea towel on the work top while we went to pick up a prescription and have our daily exercise walk around town for a change while we waited for it to be prepared.  There were a lot of people around, so it was a very zig-zaggy walk.

When we got back I knocked back and then shaped the pizza bases.  I decided to do us one each and told Alan he could pick his own toppings from anything in the fridge.

I really did not expect him to add strawberries though!!

Alan's was a Tomato Based Mixed Salad, Mushroom and Strawberry Pizza ...

... topped with cheddar cheese.

While mine was a Green  Pesto based Red Onion and Applewood Smokey Cheese Pizza ... with no fruit except a few tomato slices!

I do have to admit that Alan's pizza looked amazing, and tasted brilliant too he said.  I expected the strawberries to cook down to a mush but they came out looking just the same as when they went in.

Mine was yummy too, but in a much more ordinary looking way.  It was a nice change to have a green pesto base instead of the usual tomatoey one.

The bread recipe made for a lovely base, nice and thick without being stodgy in any way, and I will definitely be doing this again.  We had a very successful evening meal ... and it was very filling, so perhaps I'll turn it into three bases next time, one each for us and one for the freezer.

Come back tomorrow for Chrissie's choice of Book 3, Page 3.

Sue xx


  1. Well, strawberries on a pizza is a new one on me, but we have pineapple on them so why not, anything goes !

    1. He asked if I had any pineapple and I said no ... I needed it for the next day's recipe ;-)

  2. I have made fruit pizza before, but it was with a cookie type base and a sweetened cream cheese underneath all the fruit. More a dessert.

    That being said those pizzas look yummy.

    God bless.

    1. We both loved our individual efforts, and I was surprised at how good Alan's unusual one was. 😄

  3. They look amazing - absolutely delicious.
    Dough is a lot easier than people imagine, I think.

    1. Oh yes dough is easy. Once you get into the routine making bread every couple of days is so simple.


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