Thursday 7 May 2020

Crazy Days Challenge - Day 43 - Cooking the Books Challenge - BUMBLEBEE'S CHOICE

Bumblebee's Choice was:

Book 8 = The Secret Life of Scones by blogging buddy Suzy Bowler

Page 9 - unfortunately wasn't a recipe so again I went to the 9th recipe in the book which is:

Lemon Poppy Seed Scones

I had the basic recipe ingredients, or as Suzy calls it in this brilliant book ... the Genius Recipe.  There is one scone recipe which you then adapt in a myriad of different ways, a book full of different ways in fact.

What I found I didn't have was the lemon or the poppy seeds.  Pretty important you would think in a Lemon and Poppy Seed Scone!!

 But I cracked on nevertheless.

I had this lemon juice in the fridge, dated Best Before  April 2018 ... I've been using it with no ill effects for ages now so I knew it would be fine.  This recipe used the last of it, so I can move  on to my newer bottle from the cupboard ...  I've just checked and the date on my new one is Best Before February 2019 ... oh well at least I'm catching up.

What this Challenge is obviously proving good at is using up things that have sat in my cupboards or fridge for far longer than they should have. 😄

I followed the recipe.

To the letter.

I just ignored the bit about lemon zest, and got my lemon drizzle ready instead.

Ooh ... look at the recipe that comes next  😃

Once out of the oven and while they were piping hot I brushed and brushed all of the lemon drizzle mix into the scones.  The smell of warm lemon syrup wafting around the kitchen was amazing.

So of course we just had to have two each for an afternoon snack, a very filling afternoon snack at that.  There are two left but I have a feeling someone will be wanting scones for his supper  😄

Suzy's blog - Sudden Lunch is always on my sidebar if you want to look at more of her recipes and inspiration.  And other her books are available on Amazon.

Come back tomorrow when it will Heather's choice of Book 23, Page 23.

Sue xx


  1. Lemon scones sound tasty, they would be good with some lemon curd and clotted cream, I must tray them next time I make some scones. Also had a look at Suzy Bowlers blog, some cracking recipes. I often make Welsh Cakes, using my Granmothers recipe, but now have lots of vaiations which I have devised, why didn't I think of it with scones? Thank you for some great ideas. Helen S.

    1. Suzy really is the queen of the leftovers too. Her earlier posts make for fascinating reading.

  2. I love the combination of lemons and poppyseed! I am having a virtual tea party with some friends this Saturday so maybe I'll make some of these to enjoy during the call.

    1. I think my little jar of poppy seeds must be at the Van ... along with everything else that I keep thinking I have here 😄

  3. What an intriguing book title. I love it! Lemon scones sound wonderful.

  4. I love scones in any flavour. Now I am going to have to make some this weekend.

    God bless.

    1. Gosh these were delicious, think Lemon Drizzle Cake flavoured scones 😃

  5. They do sound rather nice. I really fancy do a cream tea with all the trimmings.

    1. These would fit into a cream tea rather well 😄. With either jam or lemon curd and lots of cream 😃

  6. lemon drizzle scones!! Wow, they sound amazing. I just might have to acquire that book


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