Monday 11 November 2019

Let's Do a Bit of a Poll

After an email I received this morning I thought I'd do a little poll.  

Here in the UK we'll all be voting again soon, so I thought I could get a different sort of vote up and running before you all go elsewhere to put your little X in the box.

Basically the email asked if I would consider doing a second run at Challenge Six  'For the Price of a Coffee'.  This time doing all the shopping in one go at the start of the week, buying different foods and making different meals.  So instead of £2.75 a day each and every day, a one off amount of £19.25 to spend on the first day.

I was informed I could start with the same 'storecupboard'.  You are generous Emily  😊

Is there any interest in this?  It would seem a bit strange to do it for my own entertainment if there wasn't … although I guess I would be making Emily happy!!

You can vote by commenting either YES or NO, or if you want a bit of a waffle about anything feel free 😃

Sue xx


  1. Yes. Would be of more interest to me as we don't live near enough to shops to go every day. I do like your Challenges, Sue, very thought provoking, even though we're firmly carnivores (although eating less meat now).

  2. All your challenges are of interest to me so yes!

  3. I always enjoy your challenges so Yes!!

  4. First time commenter. I vote yes! I enjoyed seeing the meals you made and also the recipes. I too am a veggie and I'm always interested in what other veggies eat.
    My name is Jo. I'm originally from Manchester but now live in the U.S. I enjoy both of your blogs.

  5. Yes please, Sue. Your challenges always make interesting reading x

  6. Yes please! I always enjoy reading your challenge posts and I know you would make amazing meals from just under £20. Once we have moved house that could well be close to the amount of money we have left for food so any ideas would be very welcome.

  7. Yes, please. It will be interesting to see how you would do things differently and what you would buy .

  8. Yes please - I think this would be a really good challenge and give a more realistic idea of what we might be able to survive on if we had to or if we were really looking to scale back spending. I look forward to it!

  9. Yes please - I've already picked up some interesting 'combinations' from your challenges

  10. I think this is a great idea, as I also live to far away from shops to go every day. It would be interesting to see if you meal plan before you go shopping, (if your like me not set in stone but as an idea what you are going to eat that week). Helen S.

  11. Yes please, echoing other comments, your challenges are interesting and entertaining,what would be even more interesting if those of us who are so keen to have you entertain us and encourage your efforts were to join you,it's far to easy for us to turn our laptops on and marvel at your achievements !

  12. Gosh ... I guess that's a YES then 🤣🤣


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