Sunday 17 November 2019

Challenge Eight - The £19.25 One Shop Challenge - Shopping Aldi

I called to Aldi with my £6.69 clutched firmly in my sticky little mitts and perused the aisles.

It's surprising how cheap some of Aldi's things are, not so may recognisable brands but their own versions of most things are just as tasty.

On my 'I Need' list were:

1 tin of tomatoes
1 banana
almond milk
3 potatoes

Yes as you can see I went a little off piste !!

The four potatoes are easily explainable as they come in packs of four for 49p or it's 22p each for single potatoes ... and I needed three.  So it was easier and cheaper to buy four than it would have been to buy three.  There's absolutely no harm in having an extra potato.

The pepper was reduced to just 42p, the cheapest I've seen peppers so I thought it would be a nice addition to the tomato pasta sauce I intend making.  As for the cucumber, again at 54p it was the cheapest cucumber I've seen for a while and it tempted me.  So even with so little money to spend it's easy to get tempted to buy something you hadn't intended too!!

Never mind it will be a nice little addition to my salad sandwiches and my side salads.

I have no idea at all why I have an extra banana but at just 14p each it's not the end of the world ... hopefully.

The proof of my spending.

So I have spent £12.56 from my cupboards, fridge and freezer, and then £3.65 in Aldi, leaving me with just £3.04 to buy the missing item from my list - cheese.  Oh and I have forgotten to buy a lemon for my morning drinks so I need to get a lemon too!!

Sue xx


  1. Fancy omitting to buy cheese! That would never happen to me, haha. We like Aldi, the new stores they're opening are fab. Their soya and lactose-free milks are the cheapest around (well, Lidl does the same).

  2. It is amazing that with a little thought and planning we could all eat healthier and cheaper, I must admit that extra banana would go into a banana butty for me ! Good luck with this challenge,your planned meals look good.

    1. Ooh I couldn't eat a banana butty now ... but I loved them when I was younger 🙂

  3. Will you buy just the weight of cheese you need over the deli counter?

    Aldi is one of my favourite shops. It's more expensive than it was but still great value, all the same.

    1. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be possible because I only eat vegan cheese which isn't sold loose ☹️

    2. I'd forgotten that, sorry. It does make things more complicated, doesn't it?

    3. Not really, I'm used to it. And anyway it's better a bit complicated than me being ill 🙂

  4. loving the latest challenge, Sue.

  5. Hi Sue, sorry I haven't commented for a long time but I pop in each week to read and enjoy your posts. I wanted to thank you for your inspiration and motivation over the past few years. As you know, we've had a rough time with my husband's ill health and job loss. We have always been frugal but decided to tighten our belts even more recently and I'm delighted to tell you that as of this week, we are mortgage free (4 years early)!!! Yay!!! We paid off all our personal debts a few years ago and decided to overpay the mortgage as much as possible after that. We haven't had so much as a weekend break, or a meal out or a takeaway in 5 years but it has definitely been worth it. Thank you so much again for all your support xx

    1. Wow ... that is brilliant news. Well done, think of all the interest you've avoided paying. So glad I helped even if it was in just a teeny tiny way. Congratulations ♥️ xx

  6. Great start Sue, love the cheaper supermarkets. So much of their stuff is great quality.

  7. Great shopping trip. You did very well.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, I actually prefer shopping this way much more thought provoking than buying willy nilly 😃


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