Wednesday 20 November 2019

Challenge Eight - The £19.25 One Shop Challenge - Day One

Breakfast - 2 Weetabix and almond milk, with a small glass of orange juice.

I decided to get stuck in and get my days food prep done straight after breakfast, I don't know about you but sometimes once I sit down I find it very hard to get up and crack on with things.  Who am I kidding … it's most of the time!!

I trimmed and washed all my celery, it was a smallish bunch, but there's enough for the week I think.  Now I know how much there is I can divide it equally between the recipes.

Of course all the trimmings went straight into a bag to be used as the base for a soup.

I peeled my potatoes for the mash for my tea whilst I was in a prep mood, and yes the peelings went into the scrap bag too, which is now in the freezer.

Then I assembled the ingredients for my Chickpea Tuna.

And got my lunch ready.

Dinner - Chickpea Tuna Sandwiches


1 tin of chickpeas
1 onion finely chopped (red is nicest)
1 stick of celery, finely chopped
1 crushed garlic clove
a little squeeze of lemon juice
dried herbs 

Drain and mash the chickpeas, I find it easier to do with a fork.  Have it as chunky or as fine as you like it, I like a mixture of the two.  Stir in all the other ingredients, using as much mayo as you like to suit your tastes.  Season to taste.

 Later using the potatoes I had peeled earlier I made my tea.

Tea - Bangers, Mash and Baked Beans

When I chopped up the onion for the Chickpea Tuna earlier I had saved a little of the chopped red onion to add to my mashed potatoes ... it does make it very tasty.  This was very filling, perhaps using two potatoes was a little bit greedy!!  This is the first time I have tried the Linda McCartney Lincolnshire sausages, and I have to say they are the best yet.  I'll definitely be buying these again in the future.

Five a Day = 5

A successful and very tasty first day and I managed to get my five a day easily, which is something I'm keeping an eye on this week.

Sue xx


  1. It all looks delicious and the chickpea tuna is a very clever idea. Good luck for today too.

    1. It's really tasty and really protein packed. Keeps in the fridge for up to a week too :-)

  2. Never thought about adding potato peelings to soup, good idea, thanks. I have a bag of cauli and broccoli trimmings in the freezer, will add my next spud peelings to them.

    1. Just remember to wash all your vegies before you peel them, I forgot once. Soily, gritty soup is not a good thing!! Yes I just keep a bag in the freezer and add to it all through the week.

  3. I have never used peelings before but I really should, whizzed up in a soup they would be fine, I am going to give it a go.x

    1. If you think about all the goodness and nutrients are right below the skin, so using the peelings is a really good thing to do. I do usually sieve any soups made with peelings and trimmings so it's silky smooth, as it does have more of a texture about it than using peeled veggies in soup.

  4. Thank you for the tip about having a bag for your freezer of veg scraps and using them in soup. I hope you enjoy yours.

    1. We'll see how full it is by the end of this week :-)

  5. Your food looks so tempting, Sue. Thank you for the tip re using the trimmings for soup. I've never thought about doing so before but the idea of sieving the finished soup tempts me to try it. It will have to be after we move though, I think, because we are eating down the fridge/freezer contents as well as the cupboards in readiness for packing and we won't have a fridge/freezer right away to transfer any remaining food to (my current ones are built in so we have to leave them) IYSWIM

    I'm really enjoying this challenge blog, Sue, thanks for sharing it.

  6. Great first day. Long may it continue, good frugal tip about feelings.


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