Tuesday 26 February 2019

Shopping Hauls - Day Four - Charity Shop

 I couldn't do seven days of shopping hauls and not visit a charity shop now could I, it would have been soooo wrong!!

So I went for a little mooch around the high street in Prestatyn which is particularly awash with charity shops, most of them very good indeed, and of course ALL of them for very good causes.  

But in the end, although I had been open to spending my £10 in a few different shops, all my purchases came from this one shop.  The Claire House charity shop, which raises money for the local children's hospice.   A good charity to support.

My first purchase, it caught my eye as soon as I looked at the bric-a-brac shelves.

It's a little egg holding crate ... seen here being modelled by a couple of our eggs.

The egg section also lifts out in case you want to use the cute little crate for something else.  It was in fantastic condition and well worth the £2.99 price tag.

Next on the little shelf of wooden items my eyes fell on this gorgeous oak trinket pot.

I really just could not resist this, which was also priced at £2.99.

I have always had a thing for wooden items in charity shops and at car boot sales.  I think it's mostly because it's something that has come from a tree that has taken many, many years to grow and then hours and hours of someone's time to transform into something so useful, being sold at such a knock down price.  I can only hope that it made the original craftsman/woman a good price when it was first sold.

Anyway it's come home with me now and I will appreciate it while I own it.

The next thing I spotted were these two gorgeous nightlight or candle holders, priced at just £1.99 and still in their original box.  They had obviously never been used and were as good as new as they sparkled like anything even on a shelf of dusty ornaments.  

The caravan is going to look like a fairy grotto in the evenings with all my new candles and holders  :-)

My final purchase was this 'distressed finished' heart shaped frame, for another £1.99.  As I've mentioned before we have a bit of a 'heart shaped' theme at the caravan and this lovely cream coloured frame will look lovely in one of the rooms.  The sweet, chatty elderly lady on the till took one look at it and said 'don't worry about the missing paint you will be able to touch it up very easily with some emulsion' ... so we had a little discussion about the fashion for shabby chic items  and distressed furniture.  She made my day  :-)

So another day and another successful shopping haul.  And everything here fits in very well with the William Morris quote ... 

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

You will no doubt be able to do the maths and realise that my purchases came to the grand total of £9.96, the four pence that was left over was popped into the collection box on the counter and my £10 was spent.


  1. That egg box/crate thing is gorgeous - how could anyone get rid of that! Their loss is your gain!

    1. It's brilliant and in 'as new condition', it's going to look great holding my weekly eggs in the caravan.

  2. Looks like you are having so much fun! I have been very excited to hear about your caravan as my parents and aunts and uncles all had static caravans around North Wales, the last caravan going around fifteen years ago. I love them and am trying to convince my hubby that we should have a tourer in a few years time (the yearly rents on statics are so high now they are out of our reach or we would consider one of them and it's the reason my mum got rid of hers around fifteen years ago). Yours is going to look lovely with all your treasures!

    1. I guess it depends on where the static is sited. Costs for permanent static pitches are quite expensive here in North Wales as it's such a popular destination these days. My van is in Lancashire on small site of only 270 vans in total and most of them owner occupied for most of the week. But even there it is now much more expensive for touring vans and motor homes than it used to be.

  3. A lovely haul and amazing all from one charity shop. I must have missed something about your 'caravan', not sure if it is a static or tourer, but I am sure all will be revealed in time!

    1. Yes I was really pleased with my lovely goodies 😊

      We have one of each ... a static and a tourer ... but I'll be living in the static. My little car's too small to pull the tourer. 😉

    2. A static and a tourer, now I am positively green with envy, lol!

    3. Haha ... I'd live in the tourer if I had the capability to pull it myself, it's a lovely little space for a simple life ♥️

  4. I've never seen anything like that egg holding crate before, it's very unique.
    Have you done an earlier post about your caravan? I'll have to find it if you did, that sounds fun.

    1. No posts about it here. It's not a Challenge 😄

      I'll be posting about my new life on my other blog from 1st March when I move into the van.

  5. Oooo, lovely lot of goodies. All a bit unusual. Our car boots start in March and I can't wait.

    1. I'm really looking forward to car boot season, mainly to sell but a little bit of buying may happen 😉

  6. I love the egg crate and am intrigued about the caravan living.

    1. All will be revealed at the end of the week. 🙂

  7. Oh that egg crate is gorgeous, and the oak trinket box is very special. Like you I love wooden items.

    God bless.

    1. Wooden things are just so individual ... and if push came to shove they could always go on the fire and keep me warm Haha 😉


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